Your loan statement will provide you with the most up-to-date information about your loan including account overview, explanation of activity and how your previous payment was applied. Your first statement may include the entire history of your loan’s activity. Future statements will provide a month-to-date look at your loan.
You may opt to receive this new statement electronically inside Online Banking.
eStatements are a safe way to receive account information and help you to avoid a paper trail of private information. There are many benefits to enrolling in eStatements.
- They are a fast, free and easy alternative to paper statements.
- Available for Solvay Bank Checking, Savings, Consumer Loans, Mortgage Loans, Home Equity Loans and Lines of Credit.
- They simplify recordkeeping and can be saved to computer or storage device.
- You can download and print as needed.
- They are more environmentally-friendly than paper statements.
- They are more secure than traditional statements; avoid a paper trail of private information.
- Combined statements will show all accounts.
How to set up eStatements for your loan account
- Log in to Online Banking at
- Click on profile, located in the top right of the page.
- Locate the electronic statement section and click on the edit button.
- Modify the delivery method option next to the account that you wish to receive eStatement.
- Read and agree to the terms and conditions. Then, click save.
How to view eStatements for your loan account
- Go to to log in to Online Banking.
- Click on the account that you wish to view.
- Select the documents tab.
- In the document section, select the date range for the statements that you wish to view and then click submit.
- All available electronic statements will appear. We provide 13 months online. You may download and save a copy on your computer or storage device for later use. (You can only view eStatements through Online Banking, not available in mobile at this time.)
If you are not an Online Banking user, we encourage you to enroll today. You can enroll using our mobile app or online at
Enrolling on a browser
- Go to
- Click on the Online Banking button, located in the top right of the webpage. A pop up will appear. Select Enroll Now.
- Follow the prompts to complete the enrollment form. Upon completion, click the Enroll button.
Enrolling on our Mobile Banking App
- Download Solvay Bank’s Mobile Banking App from your device’s app store.
- Tap on Enroll Now.
- Follow the prompts to complete the enrollment form. Upon completion, click the Enroll button.
Please read our Digital Banking Services Guide for more information.